> I think that they generically belong to Proposed 
> features/hazard<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/hazard>
> of which the article in the discussion is very eloquent regarding the wide
> scope or that tag.
> I am surprised that this proposition is 6½ years old and that taggers have
> been tagging that much time without much concern with what it contains or
> can be extended to (and taggers, who seem more interested in adding new
> features than readjusting what was done, will probably rarely come back to
> add hazards).
> In particular, I have started tagging speed limits and I was perfectly
> astounded that absolutely no 30 km/h limit tagged so far indicates
> school/children safety. 30 km/h limits are often of that kind  however and
> they are important to know as a child can burst from between two parked
> cars.
> I have slightly amended hazard=school_zone, especially to cover a crossing
> in that zone.

What all proposed keys (trafficability, traffic_issue, roadnote, hazard)
have in common is that we wish to alert people about something important
about a given road.

But why only roads?

So why not a more generic tag to alert people about all sorts of problems?

For example a beach where your leg may become shark's breakfast if your are
not careful:

alert:text:en=Risk of shark attack

Real-life example: Boa Viagem beach in Recife, Brazil.
Have a look at the signpost:

here the idea of "alert=text" would be to make explicit that this
particular alert is not yet covered by any established key-value.

For well defined alerts one could use pre-defined keys


The pre-defined keys could have implicit alert:severity levels, so for
example alert=school_zone could implicitly be alert:severity=hazard which
would require then only one tag


The use of the word "alert" would make the action clear to renderers and
routers: they have to alert the user in some way.


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