2014-05-13 15:02 GMT+02:00 Ilya Zverev <zve...@textual.ru>:

> First, this discussion it seemed was about removing admin_level tags,
> and not straightening up the tagging schema. I posted my reply because
> I had seen the tag removed from Berlin, not replaced by another. Left
> there is capital=yes tag, which is sometimes used along with
> admin_level=* ( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:capital ).

I am aware of that page (one hour ago reset it from "cancelled" to "draft"
because capital as a key is not "cancelled" but well established). IMHO
this proposal (and its discussion) doesn't advocate setting admin_level
aside the capital tag. There was this idea back in 2008, but if you follow
the discussion it looks as if capital is the key to go with (so no need for
duplicating the same value in "admin_level" as well).

Btw.: I completely agree with you that inheriting from administrative
relations is worse than having an explicit tag on the place, as this
inheritance idea doesn't work well with dynamic data (incremental updates
and how they are usually applied, osm2pgsql).

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