On Feb 1, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Dave Swarthout wrote:

> The  
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/Extend_camp_site  
> is quite a comprehensive proposal. One small thing I noticed in that one is 
> that waterway=water_point should be changed to amenity=water_point, to be 
> consistent with current OSM usage.
> I guess the only issue I have with the what Tod's proposing is the use of the 
> British term "pitch" to describe an individual site. It's confusing because 
> the term is already used to describe large playing fields, as in soccer and 
> baseball. To use it here to describe an individual camp_site in an area with 
> many other sites is a bit counterintuitive to me.  I would prefer 
> tourism=campground or leisure=campground for the whole camping area and then 
> campground=camp_site for individual areas it contains. But that's my 
> American-centric view; I can live with the set of tags for individual pitches 
> if that's what most people want.

IIRC, when those tags went in the discussion on the list had 
campground=camp_site in the original and the suggestion was to change to the 
more British centric "pitch". :)


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