On 26/05/2015, Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:
> You don't "link to a Wikidata label", you link to a Wikidata item.

QED, you can only use wikidata IDs such as "Q936" in OSM tags, which
is much less userfriendly than the wikipedia equivalent. You brought
wikidata labels to the discussion; they're nice but they're irrelevant
for OSM tags.

>>>> Even in the best-case scenario, it
>>>> seems that an OSM wikidata tag can drift off-target following
>>>> reorganisations that are correct from a wikimedia POV but not from an
>>>> OSM POV.
>>> Example?
>> An hypothetical example:
> I was asking for a real example.

Why ? My example illustrates a genuine concern. If it's unfounded (I'd
love it is was), please explain why (I'm still no wikidata expert).
Dismissing because it's not a documented occurence doesn't help. I
used an hypotetical example because finding an actual one is hard. If
it was easy, the problem would go away because contributors would find
and fix them.

>> a hotel that includes a restaurant. OSM uses
>> two objects from the begining, both linked to the single wikidata
>> article that talks about the hotel as a whole.
> OSM should only link the hotel item to the Wikipedia article.

There only one pedia/data article/item at this stage in my example, so
of course OSM links to that. Did you mean linking to wikidata ? This
example is meant to verify how much more failsafe wikidata links are
compared to wikipedia ones, so I'm just looking at the wikidata tags
in osm usecase.

>> The restaurant later
>> gets spun off as an independent business and get its own wikidata item
>> (either a split or a new one), but OSM still links to the "hotel as a
>> whole" wikidata item.
> This is no different to a new Wikipedia article being created.

I thought that wikidata could help by keeping a "bridge item" that
shows that the hotel and restaurant used to be part of the same item ?

>> Does wikidata have some tricks up its sleeve to reliably deal with
>> that kind of problem ?
> No. Does a highway system have a "trick up its sleeve" for when a new
> road is built, that OSM doesn't yet know about?

Please don't be so defensive, I'm actually trying to assert the
advantages of wikidata for osm tags. To me the unfriendly ids are a
big downside of wikidata, so the upsides (stability and localised
version) need to be strong enough to offset that.

From what I've read so far, we want to have both wikipedia and
wikidata tags for each object in OSM. The pedia ones for
mapper/humans, and the data ones for programs/QA. Neither is perfect,
but the combination of both is a bit better.

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