Heiko Eckenreiter <heiko.eckenrei...@gmx.net> writes:

> Today in OSM it's documented, only the ways signposted with a traffic
> sign should be tagged with *=designated (as described on the cited page
> access=designated and much more).
> Now you'd like to apply the tag *=designated also to ways which are
> constructional intended for the specific traffic but without a traffic
> sign, right?

It may be documented but in the US it is not common/universal practice.

> I object this due to the reasons:
> - this is changing an existing tag definition, it's not downwardly
> compatible (designated would then no longer mean "signposted")
> - it will therefore lose the possibility to distinguish between ways
> what are signposted and that what are not.

I tag things as designated when there is a strong presumption in law or
culture that a particular type has priority, even if there are no
signs.  In conservation land, often hiking is the primary use and
bicycling is permitted when the trails are not wet and bicyclists are
supposed to yield to hikers.

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