On 01-Nov-16 12:14 PM, wille wrote:

I saw the reference to service=dealer;repair;tyres;parts in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dcar_repair#Tags_used_in_combination

Dave, I fully agree with your opinion.


2016-10-31 22:36 GMT-02:00 Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com <mailto:daveswarth...@gmail.com>>:

    Regardless of whether the service tag is "overused for highways",
    whatever that means, it is still a tag with a clear meaning and
    some historical usage. There currently are about 10K uses of
    service:bicycle:xx in Taginfo (xx=:repairs, :retail, and :pump) so
    it makes sense to expand this scheme.

    The tag "sells" is in very limited use at the moment.

There is also the unfortunate use of the 'sale' tag .. over 1,000 uses ..

    We had a discussion concerning "sells" on this list a while ago
    IIRC and it was dealing with supermarkets and what they sell,
    e.g., sells=eggs, sells=toiletries, etc. Someone was proposing
    that OSM could include the entire inventory of such shops, which
    is IMO clearly beyond the scope of our present database usage.

I think started it. I was not interested in supermarkets. I was interested in detail what a particular shop sold, in particular smaller shops. For instance a motorcycle shop is usually a particular brand, say Harley Davidson, someone getting something for their Yamaha would be best not using OSM to find it. Then you get to multiple brand shops, and one specialising within those brands and so on. Others raised supermarkets ... not me. I simply wanted a scheme applicable;e to all shops.. so that separate schemes would not spring up different for each shop type. There will never be a way of stopping someone entering stuff into OSM that another will consider 'beyond the scope'.

    As for the question posed by Martin regarding a shop=car with a
    tag of service=parts, "What does it mean if a shop=car has
    service=parts attached? Is it selling car parts?" Yes, it means
    that a car shop selling cars _also_ sells car parts. The Wiki says
    that if a shop sells only parts, to use the shop=car_parts tag.

    I don't think this present discussion needs to apply to _all_
    shops, as Warin suggests, but only to the particular top level
    tags of shop=car, shop_bicycle, and shop=motorcycle for which some
    sort of expanded tagging scheme regarding the services they offer
    would be very welcome.

    I'm not against the "sells" tag but I can't find anything about it
    in the Wiki and the most used tag in Taginfo is sells:tobacco with
    16 instances. All the rest have only one instance. So, how should
    we proceed?

Nothing in the wiki about sale either .

I don't see why a scheme cannot be done that would be suitable for all kinds of shops. Not that I personally would apply it to all kinds .. but it should be applicable to the vast majority, and given OSM usage cannot be limited to a single or a limited number of shops.
Different schemes for each shop type is a waste everyone's of time.

For instance;
motorcycle page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dmotorcycle for sells spare parts parts <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Key:parts&action=edit&redlink=1>=yes/brand/oldtimer/no/. car http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dcar for sells spare parts service <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:service>=parts

Nothing for spare parts in computer nor electronic shops .. they will probably develop there own unique scheme. Madness.


    On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 5:35 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com
    <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On 01-Nov-16 09:13 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

        sent from a phone

        Il giorno 31 ott 2016, alle ore 22:01, Warin
        <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> ha

        The same 'pattern' should be used for all shops.

        service:thing=* where things could be shoe, cloths, etc

        like service:wine=bottles;casks;goblets?
        service:shoes=high_heels;sandals;flip_flops;sneakers? Or
        service:shoes:high_heels=repair? service:shoelaces=dealer?

        Why "service"?

        Service .. in this instance I would take it as a physical
        activity that may include replacement of parts such as ;
        maintenance (e.g. regular service of a car - oil change etc)
        repair (e.g. replacing a zipper on a jacket)

        Parts .. I would see as a sells thing ...
        Most English speakers would never consider 'wine bottle
        service' , that is a selling activity (unless your a glass
        blower reforming a broken bottle).
        Again this should be common for all shops, and I believe I
        have had this discussion on 'sells' here .. only to have it
        rejected as 'not for OSM' and 'hard to maintain' etc.
        Mappers are tagging this information into the data base .. in
        any fashion .. and that leads to a mess.
        If this tagging group wants to provide guidance on sensible
        tagging then suggest better methods!


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