2017-07-14 10:16 GMT+02:00 Tobias Wrede <l...@tobias-wrede.de>:
> Have a look at this place "Siesel": 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/51.22209/7.90369. The hamlet is called 
> Siesel and officially all the streets there do not have a name (you can check 
> on the "NRW-Atlas: ALKIS" layer  that all streets are just designated "Weg" 
> i. e. "Street"). From an official address point of view all houses there 
> should have addr:place=Siesel and addr:housenumber=nn.

is "nn" meant to be literally the string "nn"? (btw: NN in German usage is a 
placeholder referring to people). In Italy, quite frequently in the 
countryside, there is the abbreviation "snc" to say "no housenumber", but I 
wouldn't add this in addr:housenumber as it's not a housenumber (you can find 
it in official lists in the housenumber field though).

> On the ground, tough, they have put up the usual German street name signs all 
> showing "Siesel". So from an on the ground point of view all houses there 
> should have addr:street=Siesel and addr:housenumber=nn. What to do now?

IMHO the street name signs could result in highway names in OSM (highway=*, 
name=Siesel) as one alternative, or not (if you interpret them as the place 
name and not as a street name, because as a German native, I'd not expect 
"Siesel" to represent a streetname but rather a placename). In both cases, I 
wouldn't add addr:street tags with the "Siesel" as value, because it isn't the 
street name address.

 it's by definition we refuse to have both tags, as addr:place is defined for 
places without streetnames

> I agree this is borderline but I don't see why we should categorically refuse 
> to have both tags.
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