"sells" is a verb (the action of doing something),
while "sales" is a noun

British & World English
"The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something"

North American English
"The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something"

Example sentences :

     ‘The overall annual quantity of our beef sales to Egypt when
translated into live cattle equivalent amounts to 450,000 animals.’
    ‘Conflicting evidence suggests that swapping music either increases
or reduces CD *sales*.’
    ‘Imagined relationships are a part of the TV shopping channel
experience that increases *sales*.’
    ‘Over a period of time, the increase in *sales* starts to slow down
and this is known as the maturity stage.’
    ‘A survey released by the CBI has revealed that traders nationally
are facing a slower festive period with *sales* not as high as last year.’
    ‘Larger music companies say they'll reduce prices on the coolest CDs
in an effort to boost *sales* and reduce piracy.’
    ‘All divisions reported increased *sales* and either reduced losses
or improved earnings.’
    ‘Combine quick load times with great products as well as great
prices and your *sales* will start to sky rocket.’
    ‘If it is priced wisely, Octavia *sales* next year should increase
even further.’
    ‘While Nan Fung achieved solid *sales* by cutting prices, market
sources said other developers were unlikely to follow suit.’
    ‘Profits in Spain and Poland were reduced by price cuts, and *sales*
also slipped in Belgium and Ukraine.’
    ‘But when prices fall, *sales* generally increase, offsetting some
of the decrease in revenue.’
    ‘Margiotta said figures for the current year would show increases
and that *sales* at its new shop in Dundas Street were above target.’
    ‘The company says that on an annualised basis it will reduce *sales*
and marketing costs by £15 million a year.’
    ‘Marks and Spencer reported its first increase in quarterly clothing
*sales* for nearly three years with sales in Irish shops still on the rise.’
    ‘However, expectations are extremely high for the year ahead such
that three of four repair shops are expecting *sales* to increase.’
    ‘The shop targets to achieve *sales* worth Rs.23 crores during the
current financial year.’
    ‘It seems that this year's photography *sales* have started pushing
prices into areas once traditionally associated with paintings or
    ‘The fall of the dollar has further weakened the company because the
value of its US *sales* were reduced when converted back to euro.’
    ‘The fear is that corporate profits have been boosted by cost
cutting, not increased *sales* and prices from a revival of the economy.’

Am 03.09.2017 um 00:53 schrieb Warin:
> On 03-Sep-17 03:19 AM, Thilo Haug wrote:
>> Please consider there might be more useful subtags for shops, like :
>> shoes:sales=yes
> No, not 'sales'
> 'Sales' are short term events where prices are (probably) lowered -
> usually at the end of season.
>  Do not use 'sales' as a tag.
> 'Sells' says something is available for purchase.
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Thilo Haug
72764 Reutlingen

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