
What I wanted to make clear before is that you are not the only one who
thinks access=permit could be useful. Also, don't make the mistake of
conflating tagging and OSM-in-general opinion.

That said, even if this hivemind of ours (and let me add to that "one of
us, one of us, one of us") maybe does not like an extra value for the
access key, I see no reason why you would need to use another database.
There are very many things which are not mapped by just one key, but by
many keys combined. You just need a key to classify WHY a thing has a
certain access key. I see someone already suggested
permit=registration_at_entry/registration_offsite/online/lottery. That
could work as a subtag: access:permit=*, foot:permit=*. You could then
simply tag it as *:permit=yes meaning "there is some permitting process in
place". That would save you the hassle of defining all the many different
permitting schemes. It would of course best be extended with some
information about the difficulty of the process (on arrival, in advance and
simple, in advance and complicated) and contact information. That would
also be quite useful to extend the limited model now used on Low Emission
Zones (see It
would certainly be better then the now-used access=green_sticker_germany :)

I couldn't bring myself to read the previous discussion, I'm sorry if I'm
repeating something said before.

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