> It turns out that it is named
> - traffic park
> - transportation park
> - traffic garden
> - safety village
> According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_park

But, according to that page, none of those names are used in the UK (OSM
tagging uses UK English).

I have to say that none of the names you gave, or the names that page gives
for UK usage, give any hint as
to what they really are.  If I hadn't read this thread and saw them offered
as suggestions by iD, none of them
would strike me as being the thing to use for a cycle training area.
According to that wikipedia page there are
only two such sites in the UK, so most of the UK population will never have
heard of them.

It's almost as though the people who came up with those names were given
the instruction "Think of a name
that is completely unobvious for this thing and that nobody who saw the
name would realize what it actually

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