11. Jun 2018 13:09 by bhou...@gmail.com <mailto:bhou...@gmail.com>:


> But for right now, can we get that page taken down so people stop tagging it, 
> and have a proper proposal put up and accepted?

I added 

Note that in case of horrible tag Wiki pages are not deleted but describing tag 
as a horrible - 

especially for horrible tags that are popular or used to be popular.

And all proposal are kept, even really stupid ones. 


> OK, so we should probably have a conversation about how a tag like this can 
> continue to exist for years

Part of the issue is that currently only JOSM considers encouraging users to 
not use completely

broken tags as something important.

While iD design may exclude flooding user with warnings -

 why its rendering suggests that for example [building=yes; demolished=yes] is 
a good idea?

Current rendering suggests to editors that it is great idea to tag this way - 


> Amazing, but I’m not surprised that the JOSM devs figured this out years ago 
> :)

Note that JOSM issue was not closed as WONTFIX (yet?).
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