> 2: Having been a toy & game librarian, I can say that these establishments 
> are already suffering the misconception that they are only there for 
> children, so reducing their name to "toy libraries" would hardly make it 
> better. If we used french language there would be nothing to argue about but 
> since the "smart language" people decided that game mostly means video-game 
> in the 21st century, I have no better idea than using "toys_and_games" to 
> keep it clear enough. Do you see it differently?

with "toys_and_games" I think the place can easily be mistaken for a
shop that sells toys and games. A key differentiator is the lending
part, not ?
It's my feeling that amenity=toys_and_games_library is more
understandable for people not familiar with the concept. Hopefully
this will also prevent incorrect translations.


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