I've been saying that I believe tagging that applies to an entire relation
should be placed ONLY on the relation and NOT on the individual ways,
UNLESS, there is some characteristic of the way that requires different
tagging. I gave examples using the Trans Alaska Pipeline but this reasoning
extends to other cases. Just now, I came across this statement in the Wiki
concerning islands in a river system:

"To map islands in a river you can use a multipolygon
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relations/Multipolygon> relation and
the island and the main river bank should be included in the relation. The
main riverbank way (way 1 in image above) will have the role 'outer' and
the way for the island (way 2 in image above) will have the role 'inner'. *When
mapping with multipolygon relations do not tag the member ways with
waterway=riverbank as well - this is wrong. Member ways should be untagged
unless they have a separate meaning on their own (like barrier

(*BOLD TEXT* is my addition) This is exactly what I've been saying
*. Member ways should be untagged unless they have a separate meaning on
their own. *

There you have it. It's a logical system of tagging and makes perfect sense
both from an initial standpoint and for ease of maintenance later on.

On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 5:34 PM Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com>

> 3. Nov 2018 11:30 by davefoxfa...@btinternet.com:
> Duplication of data leads to confusion, wasted time & errors.
> Please refrain from mapping in this way.
> Please refrain from demanding that other stop mapping in way that is
> commonly accepted.
> Suggesting, promoting and explaining alternatives is fine, but claiming
> that one way is sole
> acceptable while it is untrue is irritating.
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
Tagging mailing list

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