On 3/6/19 3:31 AM, Sergio Manzi wrote:
My friend, there are 88 persons who have mapped 520 antennas (https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/antenna).

Compare it to the billions of antennas out there and I think we are far below the "/noise level/" and that all energy "invested" in trying to regulate this is... lost energy.

The only antennas I would personally map and tag are those who are enough conspicuous to represent landmarks

We are currently at 7252 for man_made=antenna alone (https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/man_made=antenna) and then there are all the strange things such as (man_made=mast + tower:type=communication) which may or may not record a mast with antennas.

But yes, my goal is landmarks such as conspicuous parabolas, not my neighbour's pet yagi.

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