That is true if the terrain is agreeable.  Often it is steep and a very loose rocky surface so 4wd is necessary.  Even if it isn't very steep, since it is not maintained very often, if at all, erosion creates hazards in the road also requiring 4wd or at least a very high clearance vehicle.

*"Tracktype* is a measure of how well-maintained a track or other minor road is..."

On 7/6/19 6:21 PM, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
I would think that an unimproved track across naturally solid rock or naturally well-compacted gravel would not be tracktype=grade5 - while it might be bumpy, it’s probably passable by any vehicke with sufficient clearance and tire size, even when wet, unlike a track of unimproved clay, silt or loam which requires 4wd or is simply impassable when it rains? But I’m not an expert on 4wd.

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019 at 8:58 AM brad < <>> wrote:

    What wiki are you looking at?   At, grade5 says
    Almost always an unimproved track lacking hard materials, same as
    surrounding soil. "

    What if the surrounding soil is hard materials???
    Clearly written by someone that has not seen rocky soil.


    On 7/3/19 2:09 AM, Mark Wagner wrote:
    > Option 3 won't work.  Locally, tracks come in two basic types:
    > 1) A logging road created by a work crew with a bulldozer.  Cut down
    > any trees, scrape off any remaining vegetation, level the road
    > side-to-side, and call it done.  These roads range in quality from
    > "easily passable by a passenger car" to "high-clearance
    > four-wheel-drive vehicle required".
    > 2) A ranch road created by a truck driving the same route repeatedly
    > for years.  These are generally fairly smooth, but the older
    ones are
    > only passable by a high-clearance truck because of the central ridge
    > between the tracks.
    > According to the wiki, these are uniformly "grade5" ("Almost
    always an
    > unpaved track lacking additional materials, same surface as
    > terrain."), although calling them "soft" is misleading, since
    the local
    > soil produces a rock-hard surface during the summer and fall (and a
    > muddy one during spring melt). They're tagged pretty much at
    random as
    > anything from "grade1" to "grade5".

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