The correct value for WIFI access is "internet_access=wlan" - this is
distinct from cellular internet or a wired connection
("internat_access=wired"). See

" there are global tags that don't need to be applied to
each individual camp_pitch. And that each camp_pitch within that
camp_site should only have the tag if it differs from the global value"

Sure. I was trying to mention something about that at the proposal:

On 9/9/19, Paul Allen <> wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 at 20:24, Rob Savoye <> wrote:
>> On 9/8/19 1:09 PM, Paul Allen wrote:
>> > Also, cellular connectivity changes as operators add towers or
>> > reconfigure existing ones.  There's also the consideration of whether
>> > there's 2G,  3G, 4G or 5G.  Probably best left to one of the
>> > dedicated cellular mapping apps such as cellmapper because that info
>> > is a little more likely to be updated more frequently.
>>   Ah, hadn't thought of that. I'm not hung up on using this tag, I was
>> just trying to make a complete list... but a different database might be
>> better maintained.
> Maybe, maybe not.  There are two or three different ones (at least).  I
> like cellmapper
> because there's an option to use OSM as the basemap (actually, it's about
> the only
> option after they dropped Google maps) so I can get some cellular data
> while
> surveying then later (can be up to a couple of weeks when their servers are
> overloaded) see where I've been.  Could be useful for some mapping
> footpaths
> through woods, but I think you can run something like GPSlogger at the same
> time.
> The other thing with cellmapper is it calculates where towers are but gives
> you
> the option to relocate them if you identify the tower visually.  I can not
> only
> relocate the tower in cellmapper, I can tag the tower on OSM too and have
> them
> coincide.
> Oh, and something like cellmapper displays signal strengths on the map
> rather than
> hiding them away in a tag where you have to use the query tool to find out
> if a camp pitch
> has a signal.
>> In the UK if a campground stated they offer WiFi and some pitches didn't
>> > get it there would be complaints.  Grounds for prosecution about
>> misleading
>> > advertising, even.
>>   Interesting. That isn't the case in the western US, or other countries
>> I've been in. Some even tell you were to stay if you want better
>> connectivity from your camp.
> The websites of UK campgrounds I've looked at say WiFi with nothing about
> spotty
> coverage.  Anybody who booked a pitch on the basis of that and then found
> their
> pitch didn't have coverage would be very upset.  And be able to make a
> legitimate
> complaint to Trading Standards.
> Often the only wifi router is in the main office/lodge, so it's pretty easy
>> be out of range.
> In which case they're doing things on the cheap.  Especially if some of the
> pitches
> have power. WiFi relays are dirt cheap these days.  More expensive is a
> weatherproof,
> non-metallic enclosure to stop them getting soaked or stolen without
> blocking the
> signal.
>   Note the entire purpose of camping should not be making sure you have
>> a data connection. :-)
> If you have kids, WiFi is probably essential.  Especially around here,
> where it's often
> raining.  If you're a FarceBook addict, WiFi is definitely essential.
> --
> Paul

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