Am Di., 10. Dez. 2019 um 14:41 Uhr schrieb Allroads <

> multi_tracked_motor_vehicle, solve the problem of abusive use of motorcar,
> which is a personal car. Not a total group of vehicles on two wheels.
> Major
> hierarchy impact for routing systems.

it really depends. I guess we agree that the meaning of tags in OSM is
based on their common usage, so motorcar=yes means an automobile (i.e. not
including for example busses or trucks), while motorcar=no means any
multi-tracked motorized vehicle is excluded (implies hgv=no,
tourist_bus=no, etc.). This is based on the legal meaning of the common
traffic signs that get translated into this tag (and may be different in
some jurisdictions, I am only referring to places I know, i.e. western /
central Europe).

The wiki has also a hint on this (look for "motorcar"):

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