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> On 18. Jan 2020, at 18:08, Florimond Berthoux <> 
> wrote:
> Hi, I added my proposal:
> drinking_water:fee=yes/no
> drinking_water:fee:conditional="no @ customers" alternavite: 
> drinking_water:fee:customers=no
> drinking_water:bottle=yes/no
> I think that the key bottle=* can fit your needs to know if you can refill 
> you bottle easily or not.
> I suffix it by drinking_water because bottle alone would look like a lost tag 
> in a cafe/restaurant tag table

fee is relative. I’ve seen municipal/public water dispensers which gave 
chilled/sparkling drinking water for a small fee ( 0.10 eur per liter), 
although this is not free, it comes close. This one I’ve tagged as vending 

Admittedly without the “description“ it would loose a lot of information and 
your tag proposal would encourage to add these in a formal way.

For “fee”, the amount is interesting (without going into more complex pricing 
details it could be defined as the price for one bottle refill)

Cheers Martin 
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