This update has the unfortunate side-effect of breaking the rendering of
over 10000 hedges in the Netherlands. We have been very fortunate to
have access to highly detailed mapping sources via our government,
including both satellite images and tile-services for street-level
features, including hedges in public spaces.

This means that hedges are often mapped as areas, using the documented
tag pair of `barrier=hedge` plus `area=yes`:

(ยง 'How to Map')

This update renders those hedges as linear features instead, creating
holes in the map where none exist.

Because there is no alternative to tag hedge areas, we now have a bunch
of broken hedges on's standard layer.

I wouldn't mind migrating away from `area=yes` to some alternative
though. `area:barrier=yes` might be suitable, and would allow for the
much desired walls-as-area to be rendered as well without ambiguity as
to the meaning of `area=yes`.

My proposal would be to allow barriers to be explicitly defined as areas
by adding `area:barrier=yes` to the tags, in addition to `barrier=*`.

The reason for the presence of `barrier=*` is that for routing software,
the edges of an area *are* the effective barrier, and nothing needs to
be changed in routing software to work with this proposal (in this
sense, this proposal is slightly different from `area:higway=*`, where
the `highway=*` is not usually present on the same entity, but drawn
separately instead).

The current lack of a migration path does make for a rather jarring change.

On 03-02-2020 13:41, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> That appears to be a "shrubbery" in British English, around a tree. It
> isn't wrong to use barrier=hedge, since it does provide a visual
> barrier and you will probably want to walk around it.
> But there is not a very well established way to micro-map very small
> areas of shrubs and bushes like this.
> Some mappers seem to use natural=scrub, others use leisure=garden, and
> some have tried various rarer tags with values like "greenery". There
> does not seem to be a consensus.
> You might ask on the Tagging list to get some more ideas:
> - Joseph Eisenberg
> On 2/3/20, Marc Gemis <> wrote:
>> Hello Joseph,
>> I noticed Remove polygon fill rendering for barrier=hedge areas (#3844)
>> So I wonder how I should map something like
>> now. For me,
>> that was barrier=hedge; area=yes. But from what I understand from the
>> discussion on Github, this is considered wrong tagging.
>> Should this be mapped as natural=scrub in your opinion?
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