On Wednesday 05 February 2020, Andy Townsend wrote:
> It doesn't sound like a tagging issue to me; I'd suggest that the
> renderer that made this change did so in error.  Is using a different
> renderer an option until it is fixed (perhaps the Humanitarian tiles
> linked from openstreetmap.org)?

The change in rendering is intentional.  Is has been explained in:


As explained there the only feasible alternative would be to stop 
rendering barrier tags on polygon features universally.

I know that for a mapper who has used this kind of tagging in the past 
unaware of its inherent ambiguity it seems weird that this is ambiguous 
tagging because in isolation it seems clear what it means.  But within 
the overall data model and overall consistency in tagging 
interpretation it is.

If there is a consensus in the community about it the following approach 
would in theory allow ultimately re-introducing the rendering some are 
missing now:

1) remove all rendering of barrier tags on polygons
2) mappers in a concerted effort resolving the semantic ambiguity of the 
>350k cases where barrier tags are currently used as a secondary tag on 
landuse/leisure/etc. polygons to incidate the polygon is enclosed by a 
linear barrier.
3) (re-)introducing the rendering of barrier polygons with a fill where 
this is consistently used tagging.

Note (2) would be a massive endeavour without precedent in OSM history 
and regarding (3) it should be noted that barrier=hedge is currently 
not the dominant method of mapping strips of trees or bushes with 
polygons, see for example:


Christoph Hormann

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