On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 16:29, Christoph Hormann <o...@imagico.de> wrote:

> > A hedge is not the same as bushes or trees.
> I never claimed it to be.  What i did say is that what is mapped with
> barrier=hedge on polygons with a different meaning than 'this polygon
> is enclosed by a hedge' is elsewhere predominantly mapped with
> natural=scrub/wood or landuse=forest.  I demonstrated this with links
> to various places.
> Introducing a secondary tag to natural=scrub/wood and landuse=forest
> (like barrier=yes) indicating that it is impassible without difficulty
> would be a good idea

Not so good an idea.  A hedge area differs from natural=scrub/wood
or landuse=forest in at least one way, other than just by being impassable.
There is the matter of height.  Although newly-planted trees may be shorter
than a typical hedge, those trees will soon be much taller than the hedge
but the hedge will be maintained at a lower height.  Scrub, too, may
become taller than a hedge, or may be a mix of heights, depending upon
the mix of species.  Area hedges have a maintained height and are
usually of a single species, or mix of two species, not a random
selection of many species.

If you're prepared to go down the route of an additional tag or value,
then landcover=hedge is a cleaner way to go.  I'm not opposed to
having something like passability=* for use on actual forest or
actual scrub, but I'm not happy with using it to mean "This scrub
isn't really scrub, it's a hedge."

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