On 2/5/2020 8:58 AM, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Well, if we count all of those, it is 68% (13/19) which is less than
the 74% cut-off.

Is it normal to count abstentions as part of the vote total? The
proposal template text (
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Template:Proposed_feature_voting )
says "I have comments but abstain from voting" followed by the
description "If you don't want to vote but have comments." Unless
there's a clear precedent otherwise, it sounds like "abstain" should not
be part of the vote count.

If abstentions did count in the vote total, then mathematically there'd
be no difference between "oppose" and "abstain," and it would be
impossible to leave comments without affecting the voting.


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