On 05/02/2020 14:46, Christoph Hormann wrote:
On Wednesday 05 February 2020, Andy Townsend wrote:
It doesn't sound like a tagging issue to me; I'd suggest that the
renderer that made this change did so in error.  Is using a different
renderer an option until it is fixed (perhaps the Humanitarian tiles
linked from openstreetmap.org)?
The change in rendering is intentional.  Is has been explained in:


As explained there the only feasible alternative would be to stop
rendering barrier tags on polygon features universally.

No, it's not the only alternative - another would be "where there are conflicting tags, decide which one to render".  There may be good reasons for not doing that, but to claim this is the "only feasible alternative" doesn't seem correct to me.

I'm fully aware of the issue having dealt with it myself (and agree that area=yes per se is something of a red herring), but it does seem odd that of the examples at https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/3844 3 of the 5 are clearly rendered incorrectly _after_ the PR but were correct _before_.

Obviously the people developing the style are the ones putting the time in and can take it in any direction they choose, but sometimes the reason for the direction taken is a bit unclear.

Best Regards,


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