Nodes with roles in the route relation deserve another proposal to make it
"official". The CAI-project sounds promising, I will look into it once this
business is done! My wife is learning Italian, so maybe she can even
translate the text (into Dutch, for our post-corona hiking and biking
season?) :)
For the moment, I think it has no impact on this proposal.

I know that from a routing perspective, membership of the route relation
(any route relation for the transport mode) counts the most. Hikers tend to
have a different point of view, where the predefined named route and its
variants are more important. But again, that's a different discussion.

Best, Peter Elderson

Op do 21 mei 2020 om 17:50 schreef Volker Schmidt <>:

> Critically those things say there is a trail here, but don't say where the
>> trail goes as part of a route, so in that case without knowing the exact
>> route, I don't see how it can be marked out as a recreational route.
>> A series of trail blazes or way marks tells me that I most likely on a
> trail that someone has marked as a  hiking trail. If I persist and follow
> the trail, finding more and more of these blazes I will, in most case
> encounter a signpost  or guidepost that tells me more about the trail
> (name, ref, destination, ...)
> This leads me to what I really wanted to say:
> Trail route relations (and cycling route relations) could or should (?)
> include the guideposts, and for that purpose we need a role for these
> nodes: role=guidepost
> The only mention in the wiki is this one:
> In Italy the Club Alpino Italiano has recently started a collaboration
> with the OSM community (under the "roof" of the Italian Wikimedia
> association) that aims at transferring the 50k km trail network of the Club
> into OSM. Part of this is the use of hiking relations and the guideposts
> will be inserted in the hiking route relations. Details are documented on
> the wiki page CAI <> (in Italian).
> The new roles in the proposal do not bother me too much. I am not against
> them, but I do not see any great benefit in having them. As an end.user, I
> regularly plan (cycling) tours using various route planning tools (who
> typically give preference to cycling routes), but in that context it does
> not matter what role a particular part of relation has, the only important
> thing is whether a way is part of a route or not.
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