"Viewing from higher altitudes" here, it should be said that "tagging," tagging 
improvements, "how we better tag into the future..." all seem to be getting 
more difficult as OSM grows.  One fundamental that just emerged is "no need for 
such a feature since it overlaps with other features and could very well be 
described as a property of one of those features."  Others then chimed in said 
"hey, we have a long legacy of some tagging which we cannot or should not 
simply discard."

These are (often) at odds with one another.  They both have merit:  OSM must 
grow, OSM must expand ontologies and tagging schemes so they are newer, 
smarter, easier-to-understand, with a more-international/worldwide perspective 
than they have had, yet we must also respect that OSM has had 18 years to "grow 
up and become an adult" and it did so with many, many existing tags which 
persist today and are sturdy components of our map (and renderers, and routers 
and other downstream use cases).  In many cases, these "legacy" tags are not 
really legacy at all, they are simply "what is" and they will remain into the 
future.  Sometimes, other schemes will grow "around" them, leaving them in 
place, but growing into the future (an example, public_transport:version=1 and 

However, I've also "grown up" with OSM for most of its life, and I've 
experience the pain of both "wholesale discard" of older tags (HEY, what 
happened to all my work, those beautiful renderings, the routing that was so 
clever...) and the real growth that newer tagging brings.  So, it's a mixed 
bag, it has its benefits, it has its growing pains, too.

Without proposing anything in particular (I'm "flying at a high altitude" for 
exactly that perspective and reason), let's try to keep this in mind.  We don't 
want to "throw the baby out with the bath water" (and English idiom that means 
to discard too much because things get a little muddy) but at the same time, we 
must grow, and we should respect the legacy tagging that got us here.  Balances 
CAN be struck.
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