I think the above should depreciate amenity=drinking_water as it is more generic.
I do like this approach, however it forces people to actually describe several features when entering data in the database rather than just writing "here you can drink".

While I might like this, I think this is a lost cause unless we are able to define a way to indicate all the other elements that should be used.

At this point what would be the main tag? amenity=water could work, but it's quite misleading. If I'm tagging a well I feel that the main tag should describe that it is a well, same for drinking fountains springs and so on.

Thus, relegating drinking_water to a secondary tag works well only after all the main tags have been clearly defined.

I'm not sure where this whole discussion is going, people don't even agree on the specific dialect to use. I think that the wording is quite irrelevant and that we should focus on the structure.

water_direction=up/down/horizontal/upwards water:for=dog/cats/animals/humans/hose/trough/couplings:diameters=*
tap=yes/no tap:actuator=leaver/handle/light_beam/*

I do like all the proposals you make.

I feel we should find a way to describe a man made object used to deliver water. Wells, fountains, drinking fountains, bottle fillers, sinks and so on.

Currently we have:







Some of these tags overlap very much.

I feel that the tag for wells works well (!).

On the other point there's a big issue with fountains: amenity=fountain is used both to indicate decorative fountains and service ones.

man_made=drinking_fountain duplicates the secondary value fountain=drinking.

man_made=water_tap describes any generic water distribution system which has a tap, thus it overlaps with many secondary values of amenity=fountain and with man_made=drinking_fountain. I feel that man_made=water_tap is quite useless in this regard and might very well be substituted for a tap=yes secondary value.

amenity=watering_place describes both natural and artificial places/objects according to its use and not to what it actually is.

With all these tags, there is still no way to properly describe a place with a pipe that provides water which is not drinkable and not decorative.

For example a public tap where you can wash clothes, which I guess you could tag as amenity=fountain, drinking_water=no but that does not differentiate it from a decorative fountain. http://www.sigecweb.beniculturali.it/images/fullsize/ICCD1062849/ICCD14187593_00116449%20%2D%20FOTO3B.JPG

I feel the first thing to decide is whether amenity=fountain should be used both for decorative fountains and service fountains (as it is now) or not and then either define some sensible secondary values of fountain=* or decide which other main tags should be used to describe all these other things.

I personally would prefer using fountain=* to describe all these things, but I have no strong feelings about it.

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