On 5/10/21 8:53 pm, Kim Oldfield via Talk-au wrote:
Hi Adam,

On 5/10/21 10:23 am, Adam Horan wrote:
Hi Kim,
highway = pedestrian is for pedestrianised roads/areas rather then footpaths/sidewalks/pavements for those I think the current tag is highway=footway.
I only included highway=pedestrian as it is part of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Access_restrictions#Australia which I'm trying to get a consensus on. What you you think the default access tags should be for highway=pedestrian in Australia?

bridleway isn't in use in Australia much for the path types we're discussing here.
Also included only because it is part of the default access wiki page.
Given it doesn't get used much in Australia is it worth deviating from the worldwide defaults?

I'd prefer a normal footpath to be
highway=footway - and no additional bicycle= or foot= tag, unless there's a sign specifically barring cycling in which case bicycle=no

Shared paths (the most common ones after a walking only path)
highway=footway + bicycle=yes (I prefer this one)
According to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dfootway "The tag highway=footway is used for mapping minor pathways which are used mainly or exclusively by pedestrians" so highway=footway is not appropriate for many bike paths which are mainly used by bikes, and less so by pedestrians.
highway=cycleway and a foot=yes tag to make it clear (I don't prefer this one, but it's a mild preference)
In Victoria there are not many bike only paths, so it makes more sense to use this for paths for combined bike and foot traffic. This is also how it is commonly used on OSM in Victoria (and the rest of Australia?).

As mentioned by  by Sebestian, using highway=cycleway is also much easier to visually distinguish. As using highway=cycleway an equally valid way to tag, I'd consider this to be practical tagging, and not tagging for the renderer. According to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tagging_for_the_renderer it is actually//"Don't deliberately enter data incorrectly for the renderer".

If we set the default in Australia for highway=cycleway to be foot=yes then we don't need to repeat foot=yes on each way.

This is mostly with a VIC perspective.

I would suggest then you set the defaults for Victoria rather than Australia?

South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania allow bicycles on footpaths unless there is a sign against it.

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