Yes Andrew
I would be happy to work with you. We are still under a 15km limit, probably going to a 25km limit in 2 weeks. I can get to maybe half of the area now for ground truthing and probably 90% in 2 weeks.

I guess there would be nearly 0% chance that you would be able to cleanly
revert without dealing with conflicts. It can get complicated when
conflicts are detected by the JOSM reverter, you need to both know about
the OSM data model well (nodes, ways, relations, tags), know about the data
you're reverting and an understanding of the area you're working in so you
can decide how to handle the conflict and what final state you like.

Tony since you know the data and area well, did you want to work on this
together with me? I can help out with any technical roadblocks, maybe on a
screen share?

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021 at 16:32, <> wrote:

While I'm normally all for "you made the mess, you clean it up", this might
be something better tackled by someone with extensive experience in
reverting multiple changesets?

Have we got any experts in that?

-----Original Message-----
From: stevea <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 14:13
Cc: OpenStreetMap-AU Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Cycling on Victorian paths

I did my best to help Sebastian, but near the point where we got the first
launch of JOSM (he DID install Java, he DID have to move the .jar file to
his Applications folder, he apparently was NOT using a capital A in
Applications...) he suddenly went "radio silent" on me and didn't answer
more email ping-pongs.

I had all primed my next email how to install a reverter, but didn't send
that because it seems he remained in a low gear, and running a JOSM
is for those who are, um, "in a higher gear."

Good luck getting your data in shape, there, mates.

(where it is getting to be bedtime Tuesday night)

> On Oct 12, 2021, at 9:06 PM, wrote:
> Adam
>> Spotting these
>> and knowing how far back to revert to might be tricky I guess?
>> eg
> Yes. I have never been involved in a reversion so complex and it worries
me too. I presume they should be reverted in reverse date order, ie most
recent first. And acting in a timely manner is important, before others do
edits on the same objects.
> Taking your example, the first reversion is important and the following
two swapping between path and footway make little difference.
> Tony
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