On 9/2/22 16:19, Ian Steer wrote:

>> I prefer hiking_scale:awtgs= as you know that it is a hiking scale ..

>> even if you don't know what awtgs is.


>Fair comment.


>> Routes are a different problem .... while the worst one could be

>> included .. what happens if/when things change? Possibly better to leave it off?

>> Consider that some routes have alternatives, excursions...


>One grade for the entire route, which counts the worst bits of the whole distance, plus separate grades for individual sections?


>& can we just write this up for Oz use, or do we have to go down the full path of RFC / Proposal / Voting? (Which will >undoubtedly be a Grade 5 trek!


I’m thinking “hiking_scale:awtgs=”.  This would have solved the problem of my well-meaning German friend deleting my tags.

Since it is an Australian tag, I would have thought adding it to the Australian Wiki would be sufficient.

No. Germans, French, English don't go looking for tags on every countries wiki. The documentation should go on the main OSM wiki so it can be found easily by anyone looking for it.

With regard to users applying a grade using this system, how about we use a “source:grade=” tag?  Maybe if the AWTGS grade  has been sign-posted by the trail manager (whoever that might be), it could be “source:grade=as_signed”??  If a grade has been assigned by a user, “source:grade=user” ??

If sources are state/suggested on the OSM wiki that would also assist mappers trying to enter the data.
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