On OSM's USA Bicycle Networks wiki [1], the introductory section posits a nice 
section on "What to map."  (In the realm of bicycle routes / networks in the 
USA).  We distinguish between "infrastructure tagging" and "route tagging."  We 
talk about mapping SIGNED routes (and planned routes that are distinctly GOING 
TO BE signed) and how we DON'T tag as a route "what is simply what somebody 
considers 'a good ride,' as those can be subjective or ephemeral."

Of course, this section has been "hammered out" by numerous OSM Contributors 
and wiki writers (and some talk-us chatter, if I recall correctly), so it is a 
form of "consensus in wiki."  You are welcome to use it as a starting point or 
modify it to how you map down under.

Check it out and feel free to liberally borrow (i.e. copy it word-for-word if 
you like).  In short, "it works for us."

[1] https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/United_States/Bicycle_Networks
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