2013/5/17 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>

> It would be nice to have a way to get notified of e.g. the ten first edits
> of a user in a certain area


> Right now, I monitor an area from Antwerp to Mechelen and Sint-Niklaas to
> Lier for all changes via
> http://simon04.dev.openstreetmap.org/whodidit/scripts/rss.php?bbox=4.10,51.00,4.67,51.30
> For new names I take a closer look at what they did. When Polyglot passes
> by I skip the changelist :-)

Don't tell me my changesets are too big... I try to keep them smaller than
a few months ago, but I also try to not overflow the history with many
small changes.

I do wonder what is going to happen once we'll start integrating all that
wonderful UrbIS data we have at our disposal now... Pnorman has been
irritating the French while they were adding the data from their cadastre
(and vice versa, I'm sure :-)

Oddly nobody blocked me yet for adding hundreds and hundreds of bus stops,
but then each and every one is vetted manually and there are other
improvements as well.

> I do this since a couple of months and haven't seen anything irregular so
> far. A couple of newcomers using Id over the past week.

I'm glad there are not all too many actual vandals on OSM. They became a
real plague on Wiktionary and probably still are. I gave up on moderating

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