
I'm sorry, but just no. Though I am personally shocked just like everyone else, 
I feel that OSM is IMO not the place for these kind of messages. I would rather 
have your changeset reverted.

Furthermore, you have no right to speak on behalf of *all* OSM mappers. There 
may even be terrorists here for all we know.

If this were to appear in the press like you suggest, I would feel ashamed and 
have the feeling that we are using the events for our own cause, which too many 
people are already doing.


Saturday 14 November 2015 17:14:57, André Pirard:
> Hi,
> OpenstreetMap often extends friendliness by humanitarian tagging.
> In this case of desolation, there is little to tag.  Little...
> Wikipedia have been extremely fast
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks> in all
> languages !!!
> After some mourning period, the note below may be replaced by this (but
> how?):
> Attentats du 13 novembre 2015 en Île-de-France
> <https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentats_du_13_novembre_2015_en_%C3%8Ele-de-France>
> I have just uploaded this change set (scroll down the left pane):
> Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
> happened here on 2015-11-13.
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/35307155>
> It adds the following note <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:note>
> to the OSM elements at the 6 attacked locations.
> (they were perfectly mapped, bravo)
> > Nos plus sincères condoléances à propos des monstrueuses attaques
> > terroristes qui ont eu lieu ici le 2015-11-13. Vous avez l'amitié de
> > tous les contributeurs à OpenStreetMap de par le monde.
> In their language.  Sorry no room for added English in <256 characters. 
> Translates to:
> Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
> happened here on 2015-11-13.
> Receive the friendship of all the Openstreetmap contributors around the
> world.
> Please forward this to other concerned OSM mailing lists.
> Please let me know any change you come to an agreement with.
> I will make any change easily using my *.osm file.
> By Monday, you may like to send the URL to the Press.
> It won't be bad advertising for OpenStreetMap to show the places and to
> join the world's cry .
> But let us hope that vandalism will not be added to terrorism.
> Cheers
> André.

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