Bueno, mirándolo con detenimiento salta una pega sobre el mapa de Wikipedia.
Eso no es realmente un mapa, es una imagen solamente. Vamos, se ve
como un mapa, pa cualquiera que lo vea funciona como un mapa... pero
no es más que una imagen.
Se me ocurren dos cosas:
1- Buscar la fuente, porque sí se ve claramente que tiene una base
cartográfica que estará en alguna parte digo yo, habrá que ver cuán
disponible... montarse un servicio y pintar lo que falta
2- Descargar la imagen, georeferenciarla (el esfuerzo es mínimo)...
montarse un servicio y pintar lo que falta

La 2 es un pelín más friki pero igual es mucho más realizable.

2012/4/9 Alexis Labrada <labr...@biocen.cu>:
> Hola PB
> Wikipedia ya está actualizado en cuanto a los límites provinciales. Se puede
> hacer también a partir del mapa de límites de municipios que está en
> Wikipedia: La frontera entre Artemisa y Mayabeque pasa entre Bejucal y
> Quivicán (Mayabeque) y San Antonio de los Baños y Guia de Melena (Artemisa).
> La frontera oriental de Mayabeque es la misma de La Habana, la frontera
> occidental de Artemisa corresponde a la de los municipios de San Cristóbal y
> Bahía Honda (antiguos pinareños).
> Ciertamente la información sobre la clasificación vial no está online y solo
> hay referenecias fragmentadas, no hay dudas sobre la Carretera central y la
> autopista nacional que parecen en todos los mapas impresos.
> Saludos
> Alexis
> El 09/04/2012 8:19, PB escribió:
>> Hola Alexis,
>> Hombre, pues muy buena "anotación" va a ser muy útil para nuestro
>> propósito de normalizar los tipos de carreteras. Igual ya que estamos
>> podríamos intentar extendernos a las vía férreas, los aeropuertos y
>> las vías marítimas (que no son muchas).
>> ¿Dónde obtuviste la información? esto es solo por tener en cuenta la
>> fuente y darle su crédito debidamente.
>> Sobre lo que comentas de Mayabeque y Artemisa, pues si que necesitan
>> actualización PERO, porque siempre hay un pero, hasta hoy yo no he
>> encontrado ninguna fuente (cartográfica) ya no te digo LIBRE que sería
>> demasiado pedir... De cualqueir manera en su momento estuvimos
>> hablando de intentar trazar los límites provinicales a partir de los
>> munincipio fronterizos sin embargo esos tampoco los teníamos a mano
>> ¿alguna idea?
>> Saludos,
>> PB
>> 2012/4/9, Alexis Labrada<labr...@biocen.cu>:
>>> Dear all
>>> I am writing from Cuba were I live. I have noticed also incongruence
>>> about road classification in Cuba, In part it can be attributed to the
>>> poor manteinance situation in many roads. Nevertheless there is an
>>> official classification of roads in Cuba (National, Provincial,
>>> municipal level) that could be a guidance
>>> For instance:
>>> National level:
>>> - Carretera Central (N-1): This is a 7 m wide road that cross all the
>>> island from Baracoa in the East to Sandino in the West ~1000 km, Most
>>> part built before 1930.
>>> - Autopista Nacional (A-1): Built as a motorway in the 80's but not
>>> completely finished, running from Havana to the East (Sancti Spiritus,
>>> ~300 km) It has 6 ways between Havana and Santa Clara. Between Santa
>>> Clara and Sancti Spiritus only one side is working in most places. Most
>>> of crossings are bridges, but in rural settings it has also level
>>> crossings and certainly the access is not completely restricted. A small
>>> fragment is built also between Santiago de Cuba and Palma Soriano (~40
>>> km)
>>> - Autopista a Pinar del Río (A-2); The same but running from Havana to
>>> the west, starting from Guanajay only 4 ways, ~180 km. Most crossings
>>> are bridges but a few are not finished yet.
>>> - Vía Blanca: From Havana to Matanzas and from Matanzas to Varadero ~150
>>> km and Cardenas, along the northern coast, built in the 50's (Varadero
>>> -Matanzas in the 90's), 4 ways. In most parts it has no central barrier,
>>> some crossings are bridges, most no.
>>> - Carretera Panamericana, from Havana to Mariel in the west ~40 km,
>>> similar to Via Blanca along the north coast but to the west
>>> A few others nearby Havana are multitired roads ( Autopista a San
>>> Antonio de los Baños and Autopista a Melena del Sur -with central
>>> barrier, but several level crossings), which has a branch connecting to
>>> the southern port of Batabanó, which provides a ferry connection to Isla
>>> de la Juventud).
>>> New roads built for accessing Touristic hubs could be regarded also as
>>> primary (From Ciego de Avila-Morón to Cayo Coco; From Holguín to
>>> Guardalavaca, from Santa Clara to Cayo Santa María). In addition the
>>> Circuito Sur (7 m wide road) is regarded also as a National level road.
>>> It starts in Colon, Matanzas, crosses the A-1 in Aguada de Pasajeros,
>>> reaches Cienfuegos and continues along the south shore to Trinidad and
>>> joints again with the Carretera Central in Sancti Spitritus.
>>> Other National level roads are:
>>> - The road joining Camaguey to Nuevitas (an industrial  city and
>>> important port in the northern coast)
>>> - Holguín-Mayarí-Moa-Baracoa (along the north coast in the Western),
>>> including the branch Cueto-Palma Soriano
>>> - Tunas-Bayamo-Manzanillo
>>> - Guanajay-Mariel
>>> In general all provincial capitals are connected to national level
>>> roads. Other important cities or ports, such as: Mariel, Varadero,
>>> Cárdenas, Trinidad, Morón, Nuevitas, Manzanillo, Moa and Baracoa are
>>> also in this network.
>>> I would like to point out that the provincial boundaries should be
>>> updated, adding the new provinces of Mayabeque and Artemisa (former La
>>> Habana province)
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Alexis Labrada,
>>> Cuba
>>> El 08/04/2012 6:00, talk-cu-requ...@openstreetmap.org escribió:
>>>> Send Talk-cu mailing list submissions to
>>>>        talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>>>        http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>>        talk-cu-requ...@openstreetmap.org
>>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>>        talk-cu-ow...@openstreetmap.org
>>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>>> than "Re: Contents of Talk-cu digest..."
>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>     1. R:  road classification in CU (MZ)
>>>>     2. Re: R: road classification in CU (PB)
>>>>     3. R:  R: road classification in CU (MZ)
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Message: 1
>>>> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 19:39:09 +0200
>>>> From: "MZ"<emmezetastu...@tiscali.it>
>>>> To: "'OpenStreetMap Cuba'"<talk-cu@openstreetmap.org>
>>>> Subject: [Talk-cu] R:  road classification in CU
>>>> Message-ID:<A87909BE22064B47A569137C37BBADCB@teo>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>> Hi Jens
>>>> It is true.. The road are in wrong classification.
>>>> It happen because some mapper draw road but dont know the real road
>>>> situation in cuba.
>>>> To correct all roads is a hard work.
>>>> I think that is you can correct, it will be meravillous.
>>>> Can you made a doc file with the your new classifications?
>>>> Hasta pronto
>>>> ricky
>>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>>> Da: Jens Wilke [mailto:j...@wilke.org]
>>>> Inviato: venerd? 6 aprile 2012 16.14
>>>> A: talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>> Oggetto: [Talk-cu] road classification in CU
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> i've been in Cuba for 3 weeks in March and i've recognized that
>>>> almost any other roads than residential roads are classified up to 3
>>>> levels to high.
>>>> Tiny dirt roads are tagged as secondary roads.
>>>> Most of the motorways are in fact primary roads, because the're not
>>>> free of crossings.
>>>> All of the primary tagged roads that i've seen on my way from
>>>> Santiago to Vinales are in fact tertiary roads. Just smaller parts
>>>> within the Cities fit the criteria of secondary roads and even fewer
>>>> might be primary (a few Kilometer in Holguin e.g.)
>>>> So, how to deal with this?
>>>> If i correct those roads, that i know about, there will probably
>>>> remain a lot of smaller roads classified higher than main roads.
>>>> Rgds, Jens
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Message: 2
>>>> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 14:35:25 -0400
>>>> From: PB<p...@osgeo.org>
>>>> To: OpenStreetMap Cuba<talk-cu@openstreetmap.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Talk-cu] R: road classification in CU
>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>  <CALY-KR-vRXH_K10Mhn_=wgbpexq1dcfwctdmgpk+lcy_87o...@mail.gmail.com>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>>> Can you made a doc file with the your new classifications?
>>>> A wiki page could be better for this.
>>>> Maybe add something like == roads == to this one [1]
>>>> [2][3] are ancient threads around this subjet. Apologize by the broken
>>>> links. I can make them available again if needed
>>>> bb
>>>> PB
>>>> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Cuba
>>>> [2]
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cu/2009-September/000020.html
>>>> [3]
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cu/2009-September/000022.html
>>>>> Hasta pronto
>>>>> ricky
>>>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>>>> Da: Jens Wilke [mailto:j...@wilke.org]
>>>>> Inviato: venerd? 6 aprile 2012 16.14
>>>>> A: talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> Oggetto: [Talk-cu] road classification in CU
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> i've been in Cuba for 3 weeks in March and i've recognized that
>>>>> almost any other roads than residential roads are classified up to 3
>>>>> levels to high.
>>>>> Tiny dirt roads are tagged as secondary roads.
>>>>> Most of the motorways are in fact primary roads, because the're not
>>>>> free of crossings.
>>>>> All of the primary tagged roads that i've seen on my way from
>>>>> Santiago to Vinales are in fact tertiary roads. Just smaller parts
>>>>> within the Cities fit the criteria of secondary roads and even fewer
>>>>> might be primary (a few Kilometer in Holguin e.g.)
>>>>> So, how to deal with this?
>>>>> If i correct those roads, that i know about, there will probably
>>>>> remain a lot of smaller roads classified higher than main roads.
>>>>> Rgds, Jens
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Message: 3
>>>> Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 11:08:42 +0200
>>>> From: "MZ"<emmezetastu...@tiscali.it>
>>>> To: "'OpenStreetMap Cuba'"<talk-cu@openstreetmap.org>
>>>> Subject: [Talk-cu] R:  R: road classification in CU
>>>> Message-ID:<575A39ED20BC4E9E9F2AF56837FA4E83@teo>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>> Hola PB
>>>> Si creo que una wiki que hablar? de esto seria estupendo para ayudar
>>>> todos los debujadores de esa mapa.
>>>> En real lo que sirve es una clasificacion corecta de las carreteras.
>>>> Muchas son conocidas y muchas no, tengo tambien un mapa del 2011 de
>>>> habanaautos pero veo q la clasificacion no es corecta. Carreteras q en
>>>> el mapa pongon de segunda, si tu al va a ver en realtad  ( o lo miras
>>>> por google o bing) es un sentero..
>>>> Y conducir un carro all? sin saber que carretera es ... no es facil.
>>>> Muy bien
>>>> Hasta pronto
>>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>>> Da: PB [mailto:p...@osgeo.org]
>>>> Inviato: sabato 7 aprile 2012 20.35
>>>> A: OpenStreetMap Cuba
>>>> Oggetto: Re: [Talk-cu] R: road classification in CU
>>>>> Can you made a doc file with the your new classifications?
>>>> A wiki page could be better for this.
>>>> Maybe add something like == roads == to this one [1]
>>>> [2][3] are ancient threads around this subjet. Apologize by the broken
>>>> links. I can make them available again if needed
>>>> bb
>>>> PB
>>>> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Cuba
>>>> [2]
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cu/2009-September/000020.h
>>>> tml
>>>> [3]
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cu/2009-September/000022.h
>>>> tml
>>>>> Hasta pronto
>>>>> ricky
>>>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>>>> Da: Jens Wilke [mailto:j...@wilke.org]
>>>>> Inviato: venerd? 6 aprile 2012 16.14
>>>>> A: talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> Oggetto: [Talk-cu] road classification in CU
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> i've been in Cuba for 3 weeks in March and i've recognized that almost
>>>>> any other roads than residential roads are classified up to 3 levels
>>>>> to high. Tiny dirt roads are tagged as secondary roads.
>>>>> Most of the motorways are in fact primary roads, because the're not
>>>>> free of crossings.
>>>>> All of the primary tagged roads that i've seen on my way from
>>>>> Santiago to Vinales are in fact tertiary roads. Just smaller parts
>>>>> within the Cities fit the criteria of secondary roads and even fewer
>>>>> might be primary (a few Kilometer in Holguin e.g.)
>>>>> So, how to deal with this?
>>>>> If i correct those roads, that i know about, there will probably
>>>>> remain a lot of smaller roads classified higher than main roads.
>>>>> Rgds, Jens
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Talk-cu mailing list
>>>> Talk-cu@openstreetmap.org
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cu
>>>> End of Talk-cu Digest, Vol 17, Issue 2
>>>> **************************************
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