Ich antworte trotzdem mal wieder auf deutsch.

Im Grunde gibt es die Möglichkeit für JOSM schon:

- Suchen und Filtern kannst du auch nach einem user.
- mit MapCSS sollte auch das unscheinbare grau von Wegen ohne highway-Tag zu ersetzen sein - vielleicht kann JOSM sogar nach useraccount + no-highway-tag Mapcss-Regeln anwenden; das weiß ich aber nicht.


Am 20.07.2012 09:52, schrieb Volker Schmidt:
(Dieser Beitrag ist in Englisch, da ich ihn wortgleich in die italienische
Liste setze)


please do not remove the attribute-less nodes and ways that the license bot
has produced! They contain in many cases useful information.


I am not technically sufficiently capable to implement it myself, but in my
view we could do with some simple tools to make positive use of part of the
"mess" that the license bot has created.

1) I noticed that many isolated nodes left by the bot still carry the user
information. So many of the nodes with my userid are left over from changes
that I had applied to ways generated by non-agreers. In many cases it is
easy to reconstruct ways from that information.
Hence I suggest a tool (ideally a JOSM plugin ?) with which a user can
highlight all these nodes.

2) I noticed that many of the ways produced by the bot that have no highway
tag still carry many other attributes, like relations or names. Would be
nice to have a tool to make them better visible (in JOSM). Actually JOSM
shows them as simple line - if they were better highlighted, users would
spot them and could remap the object in question

(Padova, Italy)
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