On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com> wrote:
> On the contrary, OS have given explicit permission to distribute their data
> under CC-BY.  I quote:
>>This means that you may mix the information with Creative Commons licensed
>>content to create a derivative work that can be distributed under any Creative
>>Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence.
> This seems pretty unambiguous to me?

So? Who[1] cares if the OS licence is compatible with CC-BY? If they
said it was compatible with the GFDL, the MIT licence or the XYZ
licence that would all be fine and dandy but totally irrelevant to
OpenStreetMap too. We don't use CC-BY. We aren't going to either.

> It's true that they have their own licence, the OS OpenData licence, which is
> not the same as CC.  (Of course it's different - it even has a different 
> name!)
> But that licence gives you the option to distribute derived works under CC-BY.
> This is just as good as if OS had picked CC-BY directly.

Absolutely, 100% not. If they had picked CC-BY directly then there
would be a list of additional terms required to be followed,
especially around the form of attribution and statement of (and
hyperlinking to) the licence. See 4.a in the CC-BY license,
specifically sentences 2 and 4. These restrictions aren't part of the
OS licence.

Of course, if the only thing we were interested in was using the OS
data under CC-BY then we wouldn't care about the difference between
the situations of being released directly under CC-BY or being
released under something that states compatibility with it. But that's
not the position that we're in.

> Is there some point that I and others are missing?

* We don't use CC-BY.
* The OS data is released under a different license.
* The OS Opendata licence is more permissive than CC-BY.
* So discussing CC-BY doesn't help resolve any issues people may have
with the OS Opendata license and the contributor terms / ODbL.

I don't see why we'd need to discuss things in the context of CC-BY.


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