I removed the NCN names associated to the roads/paths in Edinburgh (at
least until the City By-pass) modified this week-end and I also re-added
the railway=abandoned parts as it was before tintin2873's edits --
changeset #39226002.

I discovered that some parts of the Union Canal Towpath and the Water of
Leith Walkway are mapped as highway=path, some others as highway=cycleway.
tintin2873 changed all of these highways in cycleways (tagged previously as
paths). Despite the fact that these highways became part of the NCN, I
still consider that these highways are still primarily paths by nature.

What do you think? Do we, OSM contributors, tag all the highways part of a
NCN as cycleways? What to do when in some cases, a highway is both part of
a NCN route and a hiking route (e.g the John Muir Way)?

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