On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>wrote:

> Can I suggest we define some terms.
> A Line is all the journeys made using a particular reference (4, X13,
> Citi1 etc). Most people actually use the Route relation for this. This
> should include all the ways that are travelled on by the vehicle and
> all the stops that are called at. It might be helpful to add these
> stops in some sort of order (out then back) but it will not always be
> possible.
> A Line Variant (also know as a Service Variant) is a unique stopping
> pattern for a bunch of Journeys within a Line. (ie inbound, outbound,
> inbound via the school, outbound but stopping at the station and not
> going to the end of the route etc). This would include all the stops
> in order. however..... I strongly suggest we don't add this data to
> OSM - it is too complex and not needed for mapping and should be kept
> in the schedules service.
> In particular, lets not start using the term Line to describe only a
> single direction (ie a variant) or we will get horribly confused.
> I think having the two directions in one relation is a recipe for
confusion, because putting "forward_stop" as a role could refer to the
direction of the bus service or the semi-arbitrary direction of the way.
It's almost bound to be a mess. Whereas it's a lot clearer if the two
directions are in separate relations. The only problem with splitting the
two directions, as far as I can see, is editor support for having 2 x
umpteen relations on a way.

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