Thank you for your response!

I've made two test edits:

   - I imported TIGER County Subdivision files for four town boundaries.
   - I modified an existing TIGER Place outline to be admin_level=9,
   because it's a actually a subdivision of the real town. That's the brown
   blob on my example map.

I've linked to the changesets here:

Initial results are promising: Nominatim works! And the map looks better.

So here's what it would take to make coastal Maine much better:

   1. Use modern TIGER County data to replace the existing coastal counties.
   2. Consider using TIGER County Subdivision data to give us actual town
   boundaries, and sort out the confusing mess of GNIS nodes that breaks
   3. Decide whether we want to do anything with pre-existing TIGER Place
   outlines that are smaller than towns.

I think (1) is safe, and not too much work at all. Maine only has 8 coastal
counties, and they're really broken, so almost anything would be an
improvement. (2) would help, but it's definitely more work. (3) is just a
matter of deciding; the actual changes would take about 20 seconds for
Lincoln county.

Anyway, I'm happy to grab the necessary shape files, and use QGIS to
simplify them, to convert them to WGS 84, and to break them into lines. But
maybe we would want to do something more than that. I'm just a novice. :-)

What do people think? Is it worth trying to do something about the Maine

2014-10-15 11:31 GMT-04:00 Martijn van Exel <>:

> Hi Eric,
> Great to see some love for coastal Maine, where I have no local knowledge
> whatsoever.
> Do you think there may be a MapRoulette challenge in there perhaps? Or a
> tasking manager job so we can distribute work?
> I'd be in favor of replacing county boundaries with something more recent
> seeing how bad the quality is. Would require conflation and fixing
> relations at the edges of the work area, I guess, but may be worth it.
> Martijn
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Eric Kidd <>
> wrote:
>> Recently, I wanted to fix a few local islands and public parks in coastal
>> Maine, where I have local knowledge. But much to my dismay, the local area
>> was pretty thoroughly broken:
>>    - The county lines along the coast are based on a really old (and
>>    incorrect) data set.
>>    - There's some confusion between towns (admin_level=8) and sub-town
>>    boundaries (admin_level=?).
>>    - Most towns are marked with nothing more than GNIS points.
>> As a result, the local maps are incorrect, ugly (thanks to the bad county
>> lines everywhere) and incompatible with Nominatim.
>> I've prepared a more detailed explanation of what's wrong, with pictures,
>> examples, and a couple of possible ways to improve things:
>> Personally, I'd be interested in tackling 4 small towns and maybe the
>> Lincoln county boundary. But it looks like a large portion of the Maine
>> coast suffers from similar problems. If anybody feels qualified to address
>> the larger problems, I'd be grateful—and happy to help out.
>> Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!
>> -Eric
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