Am 06.10.2015 um 08:55 schrieb Peter Dobratz:
a lot of stuff I was  just going to write :-)

In any case, I believe it is important not to get trapped in the "old"
way of doing things. For the majority* of edits the "modern" (excluding
on device editing which actually works fine) way is

- collecting geo-referenced information with the camera in your phone
(including the cardinal direction you are pointing it in)

- adding/improving geometry from aerial imagery

Alas iD currently only supports the former via mapillary, which doesn't
really work in a mapping party scenario and introduces additional
unnecessary complications for newbies (not to mention that there is lots
of stuff people photograph that they don't actually want to upload to a
public service), so you are really stuck with JOSM for an integrated
work flow.

Getting the photographs on to your laptop/desktop need not be more
complicated that having any one of the "webserver on the mobile" apps

* naturally there are plenty of special cases, special regions etc.
where this doesn't apply


PS: the iD issue is not new

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