Dear List,

I have a major email problem and unsure where the exact answer lies.

I sent an email to a friend yesterday and somehow within the email was an exact 
copy of a reciept from Amazon, sent to me on the 31st January. It was situated 
after my email to my friend and followed by emails to my friend running in that 
normal sequence.

I've also had problems regarding trying to send emails. Often when I am either 
uploading or downloading and I try to send an email. I get an error message 
saying the message cannot be sent as the file attachment is too large. I 
haven't added a file attachment. Yesterday I got another error message saying I 
had not enough memory to send an email. Once my upload had finished I was able 
to send an email no problem. 

The situation is a little worrying as my private address and personal details 
might be sent to anyone, not just friends. 

I'm certain this is not a window-eyes problem. Has anyone any idea what the 
problem might be?

It just doesn't make any sense.

Similarly, on the guardian newspaper web site, I hear references to my google 
search of months ago. Not recent searches. This is certainly wierd.  I know 
that at one point I was informed by gwmicro that this extranious chatter was 
caused when I copied and pasted some web content to a word document.

I haven't done that in the past 4 months.

If anyone can give me any idea's as to why these things are happening, It would 
be very much appreciated.

Live long and prosper, John
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