The "vast number of electronic items that have unreadable Screens of all sizes", includes household appliances now. We had a heck of a time a few years ago finding a stove we could use. If you haven't looked lately, just about all of them come with a screen that you have to use to set the temperature. Fortunately, a friend of ours found one, just one among a whole bunch of others on the floor of our nearby home improvement superstore, gas range that still had knobs on it that you can actually turn. Try to find a washer or drier that doesn't have a touchscreen you have to use to run it. Luckily, we haven't yet needed to look for one of those, but I'm not optimistic we'll be able to find one when we need it with buttons or knobs you can feel.

-----Original Message----- From: Dave via Talk
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Rick Thomas ; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Failure to hold VFO to account

Yes Rick, I reluctantly agree with you that too many things have become
Political.   And I for one, do not know how to reverse this politicizing
of every sort of Service the Government or Privet Sector might offer.

Let's face it, the Blind are a very small group when looking at the
entire population.

As computers continue to be more and more visually orientated, and more
of the population are operating at a semi-literate  level of skills, I
don't see this move towards graphical interfaces to change any time soon.

And with the extra pressures to bring products to market quickly , the
entire product sufferers because of so many short cuts and compromises
implemented.  Accessibility for the Blind?  Who has time for that?

I know some here believe they have more accessibility today, and in some
ways, they are correct.  But I find in the work place, accessibility is
slowly going backwards.

What this means for the Blind person depending upon Screen Readers and
other equipment to be mastered by memorizing a long list of steps, is
not good.

The lack of Buttons, and the vast number of electronic items that have
unreadable Screens of all sizes,  makes working in the typical Office,
or even Warehouse a more difficult task then it was just a few years ago.

I keep thinking those who are Blind are going to need to Specialize in
something in order to make a living.  Just what that "Something" could
be is a question that has many answers, although, those answers are
probably not obvious.

After spending years in the Computer field, I can no longer find a place
in that field for solid employment.    Oh, there are lots of
opportunities, but I haven't figured ut how to over come the lack of
access in some of the equipment or software to be used.

I am now looking at doing something that requires very little in the way
of electronic gear.  Something like re-building Electric Motors.
Electric motors are every where and they do wear out, and need replacing
or rebuilding.

but, I think it is Odd Ball opportunities like this that might allow
someone blind to live a better life than living on Disability.

Not Glamorous, or even interesting, but there is a Need, and a person who
is Good, can make some reasonable money doing it.

sure beats Selling Pencils as my Grand mother once suggested I try,
just after I lost my sight.

I keep hoping for the Best, but am aware I need to be prepared for less
than Best if need be.

Grumpy Dave

Dave <>

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