Tony C wrote:
Hi, The I pad mini 21, 2, or 3 are about the same. Fairly easy to learn.
reasonalbely priced at about $230.00 Take it out of the box turn it on
turn on voice over and have fun.

Depending on what you want to do this *may* be true. Otherwise, bear in mind that an app pretty much either works with VoiceOver or it doesn't. If it doesn't there's nothing a user can do, i.e. there is no scripting of VoiceOver. And there is nothing Apple can do. Their policy is simple. Apps either support VoiceOver or they don't. End of story. The exception is apps that sort of support VoiceOver. That is their developers slapped in basic support. I have apps that half work due to this. Some things work and some are unlabeled graphics. there are things I can get to but cannot execute. What fun. And then there are simple things like whether or not an app supports portrait and landscape mode. I have an iPad Pro with a keyboard and always use it in landscape mode. There are times when it's simply much quicker and easier to lift my hand and work the touch screen. I have two apps from big name companies that do not support landscape mode. So those apps are always sideways on the screen and a royal pain to work with the touch screen.
So it's far from nirvana.
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