On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Andy Robinson (blackadder) wrote:

> For a climbing route it's normally the distance of assent that is of
> interest is it not and I guess for most traditional climbing routes this is
> known? Much easier to state the length of the route than the top and bottom
> elevations? Accepted that you might want to converge on an elevation for the
> start of the route as accuracy of the position is improved with time.

Yes.  There is a climbing:length tag in my proposal, but this is not the 
same as top_elevation-bottom_elevation since the elevations are purely 
a vertical component whereas the length is the total length from top to 
bottom of the (possibly not entirely vertical) route.  For example, some 
multi-pitch routes have scrambles in the middle, but would still be 
considered a single route so the length would include the scrambles (which 
are nowhere near vertical).

At the moment I don't think we have enough data to be able to render a 3D 
map.  Adding SRTM3 data wouldn't help a great deal for this purpose 
because it isn't nearly high enough resolution to represent a cliff 
properly.  Whilst having good elevation data would be a nice thing to 
have, the equipment is a bit too specialist for now.

Does anyone happen to know how well Gallileo is expected to perform in 
terms of vertical accuracy?

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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