David Earl wrote:

> If nothing else, Richard, can the apparent bug with the mode  
> buttons be
> fixed and the text make it clearer that live data is being changed  
> when
> you press start?

It's not a bug as such - it's currently intentional that it defaults  
to "edit the data" - but I do agree that it would be better to have a  
more descriptive welcome screen that requires it to be cleared before  
you proceed, with (of course) a "don't show this again" checkbox. I  
don't want to do it half-cocked, so it's not a quick fix, but  
Potlatch development priorities are often decided by frequency of  
requests on the mailing lists so you've just bumped that one up a bit.

(Incidentally, on the issue of vandalism and accountability, where  
were we with disabling anonymous edits through the main API...?)


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