Christopher Woods wrote:
> Your argument has merit sir!, and so I concede.
> Nah, it's fair enough - I suppose it's just something new for me to 
> learn yet again. Looks a bit 'odd' to my eyes too, I prefer sending 
> to just the mailing list address because I think it looks neater :D 
> but as long as it works, and people aren't getting annoyed... I'm happy.
> (I still find it hard to resist top posting thanks to my time spent 
> responding to countless work emails... I can't even use the old dog 
> new tricks excuse because I'm still in my twenties!)
And have you been convinced sending the author two messages...makes 
sense? or that the default behavior is a private response to a public 

 I have even found direct emails quite close to rude.(mostly when the 
responder actually was rude) the default reply
 should simply target the list ... The direct emails arent marked as 
coming through the list and are likely to end up in
my spam bucketss... or just get overlooked.

I am in my forties and preger to learn new tricks that make sense and 
are generally useful.. fighting with my
mail client to avoid double sending to folks isnt one of them.

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