On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 11:21 PM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If all intra-OSM messaging were public (somewhat like a Wiki "talk"
> page), then even if only few people took the time to actually read other
> people's conversations, it would be easier for the community as a whole
> to get involved and protect its interests against individuals causing
> trouble, and knowing that what oen writes is public, people might also
> exercise some restraint when choosing their words.

And then we have vigilantes to take on the vigilantes ?
Or we do research and come to the conclusion that there is conflict within
the community ? Duh

I think we must take steps that will actually reduce conflict :
* When a person signs up to OSM, ask him a few multiple choice questions to
make sure he has the mastered the basics.
* Move the conflict to the wiki and deal with it there. The wiki shouldn't
just be used to document the use of tags, but be used to set standards. Lock
pages like Map_Features.

(Gmail Goggles snip snip)
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