On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's a very clear sign that we did something wrong by implementing
> half of an email system ;-) maybe we should drop that kind of user
> messaging and just configure a mailer to forward
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the appropriate E-Mail address.

greenspun's tenth law strikes again. to paraphrase:

"Any sufficiently complicated [website] contains an ad hoc,
informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of

i'm in favour of removing this functionality entirely. and the user
diaries too. there are open, well-written and (relatively) bug-free
versions of these sorts of software which we should integrate instead.
we could move the diaries to wordpress blogs and move the friends and
messages stuff to something like aroundme. why expend effort writing,
supporting and (trying to) secure home-grown versions?

after all, WP plugins like akismet and bad-behaviour go a long way to
solving the diary/blog comment spam we've been experiencing. we should
re-use them rather than re-implementing an ad-hoc,
informally-specified, bug-ridden and slow version of them :-)



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