On 11 Aug 2009, at 17:39, Tobias Knerr wrote:

Shaun McDonald wrote:
Another property that turnstiles have is that usually one can pass in only one direction. But how that is going to be tagged if a turnstile
is just a node I have no idea.

A footway going through it with the tag oneway=yes?

oneway=yes isn't a good idea, as oneway is generally assumed to /not/
affect pedestrians. (Or how many of you actually add an exception for
pedestrians when mapping a highway with oneway=yes?)

The exception being highways that are for pedestrians, i.e. footway and pedestrian.

I'd therefore use something like foot[backward]=no (or whatever syntax
for conditional tagging is your personal favourite) on that footway
leading through the turnstile.

That's an uggly looking tag.


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