2009/8/11 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> I'd therefore use something like foot[backward]=no (or whatever syntax
>>> for conditional tagging is your personal favourite) on that footway
>>> leading through the turnstile.
>> does this imply to split the way on the stile? Do you split it on
>> either side?
> This can be applied to any way as long as that way needs to be used when
> passing the stile. The stile should be a node on that way, but whether
> it is the first/last node or any node inbetween doesn't matter at all.

I see this differently as the restriction does not apply to the whole
footway but just to the part crossing the style. If the footway is
some kilometres in length, why would you want to map it as oneway for
all this part? IMHO you have to split the way after ~50cm after the
stile (width of the stile) and not to start before your inside the
stile (otherwise you will get "trapped" inside a normal footway (for
routers) not beeing able to return if e.g. the stile is closed.


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