Marc Schütz schrieb:
>> But this implicates that if there is no different name, no name:xx-tag 
>> should be set (even if it's not *bad* to have one, its also not 
>> *necessary*). Do you agree with that, Marc?
> I was replying in a hurry, and I see now that it is not as easy as I thought 
> it to be. I agree that most objects don't have names in all languages. It 
> would be absurd to add a, say, Inuktitut name to a small street in Budapest, 
> thereby repeating its hungarian name in potentially several thousand 
> languages.
> Still I think a case could be made for country names to be different: most of 
> them are so prominent that I would say they exist in most languages, even if 
> they are identical to the native names.
> For example, the German names for most European countries are different from 
> their native names. However, Portugal happens to have the same name (well, 
> spelling) in German and in Portugese. Would you therefore say, that Portugal 
> doesn't have a German name?
It has one, but that's not a translation - rust a repetition. And 
name:xx-tags are (in my opinion), basically translation-tags.

Nevertheless I don't like different rules for similar things, so i don't 
want to have a different "rule" for countries as for cities. It's a rule 
in quotation marks, because no one forces you to remove those tags and 
if you want to add them for a language, i won't go and delete them.

It's my opinion that they are needless, and if you don't think so i wont 
enforce my opinion on you - just go ahead and add them again :)

All I want to say is that I don't see any benefit from having those 
tags. What you'll do with that, that's your thing :)

Have a nice weekend!


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